Physics 2

Hands-On Lab Equipment - AP Physics 2:

     A list of equipment needed to perform the hands-on lab activities for this course is shown below. Although some all of the equipment can be found in a typical home, many of the items may need be purchased at a store or our companion website ( If you want to order this equipment online, please give yourself time for shipping.

List of Equipment:





Capacitor Lab
Note: The digital multimeter and the copper wire needed for this lab is included in the myscience-prep lab kit for Physics 2 .


  • Aluminum foil
  • Magazine paper
  • Masking tape
  • Copper wire
  • Digital multimeter that can measure capacitance


Basic Circuit Analysis
Note: The equipment needed for this lab is included in the myscience-prep lab kit for Physics 2.
circuit lab equipment

  • Two AA Batteries (1.5 v, Alkaline)
  • Two AA Battery Holders
  • 10 pack of 14 inch jumper wires with alligator clip ends
  • Four flashlight bulbs
  • Four bulb holders
1 RC Circuit Analysis
Note: All items needed for this lab, except for the stopwatch, are included in the myscience-prep lab kit for Physics 2.


  • One 1000 microfarad capacitor
  • One 9-v battery
  • One 20000-ohm resistor
  • Jumper wires with alligator clip ends
  • Stopwatch
  • Digital multimeter


Magnet and Compass
Note: The magnets, iron filings, paper clips, and compass needed for this lab are included in the myscience-prep lab kit for Physics 2.

  • 2 small round ferrite magnets (6mm x 2 mm)
  • 2 small round neodymium magnets (6mm x 2 mm)
  • 1 magnetic compass
  • 1 ruler
  • 1 protractor
  • 1 electronic balance
  • Iron filings
  • String
  • Tape
  • 1 red sharpie pen or other felt-tipped marker.
  • Lots of paper clips


Note: The equipment needed for this lab is included in the myscience-prep lab kit for Physics 2.

Electromagnet Kit

  • One large iron nail
  • Copper wire
  • One 9-volt (the type you put in a smoke detector)
  • One 1.5-volt D-cell (the type you put in a flashlight)
  • Lots of paper clips

Standing Waves
The slinky needed for this lab is included in the myscience-prep lab kit for Physics 2.

The Original Slinky Walking Spring Toy, Metal Slinky, Easter Basket Stuffers, Toys for 3 Year Old Girls and Boys, Party Favors, Fidget Toys

  • A slinky
  • A measuring tape
  • A cell phone camera 
  • A partner or two
  • A stopwatch

The diffraction grating and the laser pointer needed for this lab are included in the in the myscience-prep lab kit for Physics 2.




  • A diffraction grating
  • A ruler
  • A laser pointer

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