Physics 1 |
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Kinematics Note: A low-friction dynamics cart and protractor are included in the myscience-prep lab kit.

- A toy car with low friction wheels
- A long piece of flat wood (such as a bookshelf)
- Books
- Ruler (preferably a meter stick)
- Protractor
- Stopwatch
Projectiles Note: The entire ramp system is included in the myscience-prep lab kit.

- Heavy sphere (steel ball bearing preferred)
- Plastic ruler or metal ramp
- Piece of wood onto which the ramp can be fastened
- Books
- Tape measure or a meter stick
- Stopwatch
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Newton's Laws Note: A spring scale and thick plastic rod are included in the myscience-prep lab kit.

- Long piece of wood (ex: a bookshelf)
- A toy car with low friction wheels filled with small metal objects
- A paperclip and tape to make a hook attached to the cart
- A spring scale
- Thick plastic rod
- String
- Protractor to make angle measurements
- Books to help make an inclined plane with the long piece of wood
Coefficient of Friction Note: A protractor is included in the myscience-prep lab kit.

- Long piece of smooth wood (ex: a bookshelf)
- Small block of wood
- Protractor to make angle measurements
- Books to help make an inclined plane with the long piece of wood
- Several pieces of notebook paper
- Tape
Terminal Speed
- Five to ten coffee filters
- Tape
- Several plastic grocery bags
- Ruler
- Scissors
- String
- One nickel coin
- Stopwatch
Uniform Circular Motion Note: A pair of safety glasses and the electronic scale are included in the myscience-prep lab kit.

- The body tube from a ball point pen
- String
- 10 to 15 pennies (1983 or newer)
- 15 quarters (1965 or newer)
- Masking tape
- Ruler
- Stopwatch
- An electronic kitchen scale
- Safety glasses
- Meter stick or tape measure
- Book
- Digital scale (optional)
- Stopwatch
Conservation of Momentum Note: Note: The entire ramp system is included in the myscience-prep lab kit. This is the same ramp system used in the projectiles lab.

- Two heavy spheres (steel spheres preferred)
- Plastic ruler or a metal ramp
- Piece of wood onto which the ramp can be fastened
- Books
- Tape measure or a meter stick
- A plumb line (string with a weight attached)
Angular Motion Note: Several sizes of steel spheres, a plastic sphere, a wooden sphere, various metal cylinders, and an electronic scale are included in the myscience-prep lab kit.

- Several steel, plastic, and wooden marbles of various sizes
- Various metal cylinders (hollow and solid)
- Several different sized empty cans of soup
- A new (thick) roll of masking tape or duct tape
- A Long piece of smooth wood (ex: a bookshelf)
- Books to help make an inclined plane with the long piece of wood
- Tape measure or a meter stick
- Stopwatch
- An electronic kitchen scale
- Meter stick or wooden rod
- Several objects of known mass
- String
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Fluid Dynamics Note: The 10 mL splastic syringe is included in the myscience-prep lab kit.

- One 10 mL plastic syringe (without needle)
- Electronic balance
- ruler